Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Me again

Friday, October 24th, 2008

Ah the peace and quite, the hubby has taken the little noise makers out for the afternoon and I can actually hear myself think, the only noise are the birds tapping on the roof of the office!!! Well I have been a busy bee, and am very proud of my strawberries, IF ONLY I COULD EAT A RIPE ONE, those damm birds again, will have to get some cover for them soon, it also made me think of the tomatoes, will I have to cover them as well?, I am loving this move we made, downsizing the house, living a more sustainable life, the kids are eating things from the vege garden, nice!!! and I finally have a warm workroom, even though it is nearly summer, ah summer, time for the happy faces to come on again. The dolls and toys are going well and I still have loads more ideas to come, so watch out, I love sewing. Bye

I was hoping to get here more often

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

With the weekend out of the way, I am finally getting back on track, and the Lilypop doll has emerged, the first one has already found a home and I am happy with where she is going. The horse and the new bear pattern are going to have to wait, Lilypop has many sisters that have to be sewn, plus a few other toys in between, its amazing how may great sites there are where you can sell your wares, and the amazing people and ideas, my brain and ideas book is constantly in a whirl!!!. The son is pestering me to make up his toy, he done a fab job at school with his hand sewing, he’s only 5, and I was amazed at his persistance to finish it, we are going to make it into a cushion one day. The 3 year old is always keen to give helping hand, I have had a conversation with a few parents lately about the simple things being lost, like sewing and cooking, my mum has noticed it with a group of girls that she takes for crafts and things, they don’t have the exposure to sewing and baking, mums recent craft adventure involved cutting out lots of circles to be gathered into flowers and buttons sewn on, just this simple task of a running stitch and sewing on a button was enough to get the girls enthused, plus it was a mothers day craft and the receivers were delighted!!! Think about doing a sewing craft with your kids, even if it is just sewing a running stitch around a shape and stitching on a few buttons. bye for now

I made it

Sunday, May 25th, 2008

After reading so many overseas blogs i thought, surely there is a NZ site, and I found it, (i’m currently freezing my but off in my workroom!!!) I have a wonderful collection of vintage fabrics (much to my husbands horror) he found this out after our last move and we have moved to a smaller house, so no more hiding places!!! I have been slowly using them to make gorgeous toys for kids, its going well, but I have too many ideas and so little time, my time is wasted on cleaning, washing, reading blogs, plus the two rugrats, who claim everything I make, the kids are beautiful, my daughter thinks everything I make is for her, she finally has some of her own!!! Anyway I have finally got a label and trade me is going well, designs are slowly being drawn and made up, and my first photo album is going into kindy, I will tackle the market one day, not to keen on the early starts!!!!! My son is a keen drawer and has drawn a delightful character, so we are going to make him up as well and any that I sell can go to him, anyway must carry on, lunch to be made

Hello world!

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Welcome to Blogtown NZ. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!